Modulo:Babel/pagipadasan: Paggiddiatan a nagbaetan dagiti rebision

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Agpartuat iti pagipadasan a bersion para iti Modulo:Babel
m sync
Linia 41:
-- Special message for when first argument is blank; otherwise treat it as normal
if args[1] and args[1]:find('%S') then
userboxes = frame:preprocess('{{#babel: '..args[1]..'}}' or '{{User '..args[1]..'}}')
userboxes = args.noboxestext or "''Saanka pay a nakaisaad iti ania man a pagsasao. Pangngaasi a kitaen ti [[Plantilia:Babel/dok]] para iti tulong.''"
Linia 57:
-- ! indicates a new cell should be created
if v:find('%S') and v ~= '!' then
body_cells:wikitext( frame:preprocess('{{#babel: '..v..'}}' or '{{User '..v..'}}') )
-- Recycling body_cells for <td>
elseif v and v == '!' then